Huzzah! Idles, the British post-punk band known for their raw energy and peaceful love messages, return with their fifth studio album, « Tangk. » Always pushing the boundaries of their genre, these boys investigate unfamiliar territories and drift away from their acclaimed debut, « Brutalism. »

Tangk is a dense and multifaceted experience, where experimentation intertwines with the band’s signature ferocity. Crafted in collaboration with Kenny Beats (Slowthai) and Nigel Godrich (Radiohead), this record reminds us that « Love is the Fing », always. Led by frontman Joe Talbot’s dynamic vocals, « Tangk » brilliantly manages to both challenge and captivate the listeners.

Exploring Tangk

Despite the success of their previous formula, Idles continues to boldly go where no punk band has gone before! Sadly, fans of the rough album « Brutalism » might feel overlooked amidst this evolution. While there’s still an undercurrent of anger in this album, it’s subdued, and the songwriting feels more pacified than ever.

« Tangk » offers a rich and complex musical experience. Idles ventures into new territories and sophistication, reminiscent of their previous record « Crawler ». Nonetheless, the band stay true to their characteristic sound and message: « No God, no king, I said love is the thing ».

In this album, lead singer Joe Talbot explores his vocal range by modulating his tone and employing his trademark shouts less frequently. « Dancer, » as a single, stands out slightly from the other tracks on the album, showcasing the band’s ability to surprise their audience. Produced with James Murphy and Nancy Whang from LCD Soundsystem, this tune is quite the banger, especially with its pulsating bassline!

The members of Idles demonstrate their willingness to question themselves and use their band’s youth to remain open to new ideas. The diversity of the album’s tracks reflects the band’s ambition. We particularly enjoyed tunes like the feverish « Gift Horse », the melancholic « Grace », the bleak and remorseful « Roy », and the catchy and minimalist « Pop Pop Pop », which discusses finding joy in others’ happiness.

Sound Eaters enjoying the Tangk experience

By constantly challenging themselves, Idles show they are far from exhausting their creative potential. « Tangk » confirms Idles’ position as one of the most exciting bands on the current scene. We just can’t wait to hear these songs live!

Why you should discover ‘Tangk’

With a band such as Idles, boredom is simply not an option. Elevating their work to new heights, the band explores a vast range of emotions. Tangk leans more heavily into experimentation rather than the raw aggression that characterized the band’s previous releases. Those who prefer a more traditional punk rock may find this record a bit « fancy ».

Unsurprisingly, the reviews are rather mixed concerning this album :

  • « The very best bands, the rarest and most special, are often the ones who can shed the trappings of their genre while staying true to their ethos and essence. On TANGK, IDLES have broadened their horizons while retaining the guts and soul that made them. With prudence, craft, and ambition they’ve created something that borders on the monumental. Divisions be damned. » (Under The Radar).
  • « Idles have always aspired to come off bigger than they are — a quintet of high-minded everymen — and on, Tangk, they’re close to achieving their own personal beatitude. » (Rolling Stone).
  • « IDLES wanted TANGK to be their Kid A, but they ended up delivering their Tranquility Base Hotel Casino. »(Sputnik Music).

Did you listen to this album yet? What are your thoughts about it?

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