What a time to be a content creator! We have to admit, we were deeply disturbed by the latest news. To ensure he would have a slice of the new orange king’s cake, Zucky -who owns everyone’s virtual a$$- decided to ditch inclusivity, fact-checking, and all sense of decency in an appalling turn of events.

In his complete delusion, he probably thought he would gain millions of US TT refugees, but they dumped him for Red Note in an unexpected plot twist. Netflix is probably working on a script as we write.

We didn’t post a single thing the last few days because our brains froze. We’re feeling trapped. We love the community we’ve built on social media, especially IG, and it would be devastating to let go of the amazing connections we made and also the huge amount of work we put into this platform.

But the truth is, we are sickened by Meta’s policy reversal and the rise of fake AI accounts, feeding on our beloved creations. We also think about all the artists out there, that we love and support. It’s tough to be a creative soul nowadays, to stand out and be heard. What will happen now if the algorithm condemns all the minorities and their allies to silence?

We’d like to open the discussion with you all. Where do we all go from here? Move to other social platforms (and on which ones)? Embrace the delusion and let obscurantism win? Let’s talk.

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