Shiver, good people, for the end is nigh: England is under siege! The Viking invasion has begun and no one, NO ONE will be spared.

Between two stadium shows opening for Arctic Monkeys, The Hives were playing at The Garage, a small iconic venue in London. On the same day, they released an epic new single, Countdown to Shutdown.

The Champagne of Bands is back and here to slay

Last week, we had the immense pleasure of getting our bi-annual dose of The Hives.

This wasn’t a gig, it was a gigantic pool party, a deluge of wild guitars, terrific bass lines, explosive drums, kickass songs and Swedish awesomeness. You know what the best part is? Their upcoming album is not even out yet.

You know it: The Hives are our favorite live band. Why? Because they deliver endorphine shots like no one else. From the very first drumbeat, they manage to make a whole crowd restless and though their sets are usually short, they still know how to surprise you. These guys always play like it’s their final day on Earth and you can feel it in every single part of your body.

They are one of these rare bands who can set a small venue on fire and equally conquer a stadium. The fact they’ve got new songs to show just gives them all the more reasons to shake you up. Plus, their suits glow in the dark, which is totally awesome.

The setlist

These are the songs that were played that night :

  • Bogus Operandi
  • Main Offender
  • Walk Idiot Walk
  • Rigor Mortis Radio
  • Good Samaritan
  • Go Right Ahead
  • Stick Up
  • Hate To Say I Told You So
  • Trapdoor Solution
  • I’m Alive
  • Countdown To Shutdown
  • Come On!
  • Tick Tick Boom

We tell you: surrender now before it’s too late. No fortifications can resist that much Rock’n’Roll. May the Gods pity us all, these guys take no prisoners.

Have you seen The Hives live? Share your favorite memory in the comments, we’d love to hear about your experience! 

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