Sunday is a quiet day. A day you sit with a nice cup of tea and a plate full of crumpets (and a buddha bowl, scrambled eggs, grilled sausages, and the cinnamon rolls you didn’t manage to finish the day before) with your friends. Usually, the conversation revolves around three main subjects :

  • Sharing the latest music gossip.
  • Dishing on yet another perfect Instagram feed we envy so much.
  • How to cakify Franz Ferdinand. For like, the 1286th time. 

But this Sunday, a different topic was discussed and we’re happy to share it with you: what are the best rock drummers we heard live? So here’s our list. A completely biased one. Based on no scientific data (though such a study would draw our attention) and shared only to make you discover or re-discover these pure geniuses. Enjoy, and don’t forget to tell us your opinion on the subject in the comments area!

Your new favorite drummers

  1. Chris Dangerous (The Hives)
    The name says it all. We are fond of Mr. Dangerous for three reasons: his energy (the man’s unstoppable), his technicity (the man is a machine, and it would take 3 confirmed drummers to replace him. Says one of our drummer (and very jealous) friend and his charisma (Bless you, Sweden !).

2 Matt Helders (Arctic Monkeys)

Matt plays fast, very fast, really really fast, and is extremely creative. He kills us every single time he touches a cymbal. We never really recovered from the intro of the song Brianstorm, which may be the most powerful drum intro ever. 

Daru Jones (The Ruff Pack, Jack White, etc)

Daru is originally from the Soul / Hip-hop world. He totally blew our minds during the Lazaretto Tour when he played with the rock god Jack White. His experience was a real game-changer and definitely added a certain “je-ne-sais-quoi” to Jack’s compositions. Plus, the guy’s is unbelievably sweet. Enjoy!

Carla Azar (Autolux, Jack White, etc.)

An intuitive alternative rock drummer, with a beautiful style. She played with the creme de la creme: Jack White, PJ Harvey, and many more… She will be on tour with our dear Jack this whole year, so don’t miss this unique opportunity to watch and learn.

Per Andreasson (Royal Republic)

Honestly, we have no idea what drum teachers do in Sweden, but please do go on! Per Andreasson is a brilliant drummer, with punk-pop sensibility, raging beats, and unbelievable swagger. Plus white sweaty tank tops. What can we say? We’re hooked.

Here’s our list, now’s the time to share yours, we’ll be glad to listen to all your suggestions 

Who’s your favorite drummer?

Ps: A little Chris Dangerous to take away, gentle ladies/sirs?

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