Belial, Behemoth, Beelzebub, Asmodeus, Satanas, Lucifer! Well hello there, creatures of the night, it’s the most wonderful time of the year again. After making Alice Cooper Cupcakes and a blobby gelatin thing for The Horrors last year, we wanted to pay our respects to a band that’s very dear to us. In for a guessing game? It’s black, white… and Swedish. That’s right, fellow ghouls, we meant The Hives … er… Ghost.
Here’s a cake fit for Halloween: a papa treat inspired by Ghost.
Baking a cake for Ghost
We may not be as fond of Swedish metal as Swedish punk rock, but let’s be fair: Ghost is the perfect band to celebrate Halloween with! Where to begin? The crazy, eccentric, gothic look of their lead singer, the satanistic vibe, the intoxicating gap between their majestic appearance and their pop-ish sound. All this combined is killing us every time. We didn’t get the chance to see them live, though. But they sure do have their name on our bucket list, next to Rob Zombie and Michael Jackson’s Hologram…

As our favorite Evil Pope, Papa Emeritus the Third was replaced this year, and replaced by Howlin Pelle Almqvist The First the very bouncy Cardinal Copia, we wanted to say farewell properly. We went full cake design this time and did our best to recreate Ghost’s magnificent looks.
Praise Satan! Papa would be so proud of you…