Franz Ferdinand’s debut album is 20 years old. We celebrate this iconic record by sharing our 5 favorite songs from this album. Enjoy!
Afficher : 1 - 7 of 9 Articles

Rediscover: Beautiful Garbage, an iconic yet underrated record
No way?! Garbage’s third album, ‘BeautifulGarbage,’ is turning 22 today?! How is that even possible? It seems like we were scandalously shaking our hips in front …

Rediscover: « Post Pop Depression » by Iggy Pop
Mr Pop will shake your world once again with his fellow accomplices and this top-of-the-line record!

5 intriguing facts to rediscover Placebo’s Without You I’m Nothing
Discover 5 fun facts about Placebo’s iconic 2nd stuido album Without You I’m Nothing.

Rediscover « The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill »
Some records alter your brain chemistry forever. The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill is one of them!

5 fun facts about Garbage’s Version 2.0
Version 2.0 by the iconic band Garbage is a remarquable alternative rock album. Here are 5 fun facts to make you rediscover this fantastic record.

This is the story of… Melody Nelson
Today, we talk about a very controversial french album, « Histoire de Melody Nelson » by Serge Gainsbourg. Let’s (re)discover this gem together!