The irish band Fontaines D.C. just released a new album, Romance, a beautiful record that you should play on repeat. Here’s our review.
alternative music

Romance on a Plate: our Fontaines D.C. Cake Collab with Radio Freccia
We baked a heart-shaped macaron inspired by Fontaines D.C.’s Romance. Learn about the band, their music, and our collab with Radio Freccia on Instagram!

Surprise: Jack White’s new album is out!
Wait. What? Jack White just released a new album and there are barely any copies to be found anywhere on the damn planet. It’s time …

Review: Are Yard Act worth their hype?
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Review: Miles Kane as a One-Man Band?
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Happy 20th Anniversary, Franz Ferdinand!
Franz Ferdinand’s debut album is 20 years old. We celebrate this iconic record by sharing our 5 favorite songs from this album. Enjoy!

Review: the power Rock’n’Roll duo The Kills is back in the biz with God Games
A few days ago, The Kills released their sixth album, God Games. What’s our opinion on this new opus? Read our review in this article.