Bold, universal, The Dark Side of the Moon was praised since its very beginning, almost 50 years ago.
Pink Floyd did an outstanding job here, developing this masterpiece during their live gigs, piece by piece, note by note. As it talks about love, death, war, money, madness and elderness, this timeless concept album can touch everyone’s soul. And who doesn’t love its legendary cover artwork? 🌈

Baking biscuits for Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of The Moon
It was about time we paid our respects to this great band with a tasty & rainbowy treat. Behold, ladies and gentlemen, our latest creation : homemade oreo biscuits and seven shades of delicious vanilla swiss meringue buttercream ! You can have it any color you like. 💜💙💚💛🧡❤

Long live the prism! Now tell us : what’s your fave song from this album and… would you fancy a bite?